JobsPLUS is proudly brought to you by...
Come On Aussie Internet and Your Brilliant IdeaJobsPLUS Australian Job Search web service is an Internet Property of Stephen Spry and Come On Aussie Internet Services
It is a joint venture with our sister site... Australia's Careers OnLine
Originally launched quite some time ago (in 2000) JobsPLUS originally offered free positions vacant notices for employers and free resumes/profiles for job seekers.
To be blunt... that "experiment" in those pioneer days of the Internet... was not wildly successful - mainly because it was not able to attract enough traffic to offer a return for the effort involved from all those who took part. We've tried all sorts of different things to gain momentum in the past few years, but it has eluded us until now!
They say "timing is everything" so I've recently (May 2014) revamped and relaunched the JobsPLUS web service! It's a much better time to (re)launch a job board aimed specifically at Australian Job Seekers because:
I look forward to sharing success with everybody who visits and uses the "new" JobsPLUS website!
Please, if you have any comments or enquiries about the service, I urge you to contact me and let me know what you think!
Stephen Spry